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Headmistress refused to open a class with teaching Crimean Tatar in Sevastopol

29 August 2018, 11:44

In Orlovka village, Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol city, the headmistress of school # 46 refused to open a class with teaching the Crimean Tatar language.

The Crimean lawyer Lenura Engulatova wrote it on Facebook.

«In Orlovka village (Sevastopol), parents were categorically denied regarding children’s right to study in native language. Parents from Orlovka village (Sevastopol) sought for legal assistance because they faced a refusal to organize a class with teaching the Crimean Tatar language. As it became known, during May-August, 2018, the parents of first-graders orally and repeatedly appealed to the headmistress of school #46 in Orlovka, Soloshenko Lyudmila Vasilyevna, requesting to open a class with teaching in native language. However, the headmistress said that she fulfilled the state task in spring by the number of classes and would not make any changes,» Lenura Engulatova said.

In the conversation with parents and lawyers headmistress Lyudmila Soloshenko said that she had already fulfilled the state task on the 1st grades formation, and there were neither additional premises nor a primary school teacher with the right to teach Crimean Tatar. Also, the school administration representatives stressed out that teaching in Crimean Tatar would have a negative impact on students’ academic progress, as they would have to pass the Unified State Examination (USE) in Russian.

«After the conversation with the school administration, parents could hardly submit applications for opening a class with teaching in their native language, since the headmistress did not want to accept them. Only a reminder on the violation of the Federal Law “On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation” and administrative responsibility, as well as the parents’ will to file the official’s refusal to accept applications, forced Lyudmila Soloshenko to accept applications from parents. Today there are 9 applications submitted from parents. The headmistress said that she would give a written response in 10 days. That is on September 5-7, when the children begin the school year,» the lawyer said.

Earlier, in the Belogorsky district, Tsvetochnoe village, the parents of future first-graders also could not achieve the opening of the Crimean Tatar class.

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