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Mejlis supported Poroshenko at presidential elections

12 March 2019, 19:10

The main goal of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis is a de-occupation of Crimea and the Crimean Tatars’ liberation. According to them, the current president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko can best cope with this task. Therefore the Mejlis supported his candidacy during the elections.

The Mejlis head Refat Chubarov told it at AQŞAM TV program on ATR TV channel.

«Crimea is occupied by the Russian Federation. It has been unforgivably long lasting. It’s already been for 5 years. We analyzed the possibilities, behavior and programs of all candidates who are currently registered with the Central Election Committee. First of all, we set a goal as soon as possible to restore the sovereignty of Ukraine over Crimea and our people’s liberation from the Russian invaders. To our mind, this task solution is by Petro Poroshenko’s efforts compared to other candidates if there is an absolute support of the Ukrainian society,» said Chubarov.

He added that Poroshenko had already crossed all the borders stopped him to make concessions to Russia.

«We are sure that Petro Poroshenko will not put Crimea up for any auction,» added the head.

Earlier, the Crimean Tatar Mejlis announced its decision to support the current president’s candidature of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at the elections.