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Lawyer Polozov demanded from Ukrainian authorities to make 3 steps helping political prisoners in Crimea

17 серпня 2016, 07:09

The Crimean political prisoners’ lawyer Polozov and his colleague Mark Feygin together with the Head of Mejilis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov participated in the press conference «The court processes in the occupied Crimea».

Nikolay Polozov stated that Ukrainian authorities should make three steps to help the political prisoners in Crimea.

«The first step is to develop the access mechanism for Ukrainian and foreign journalists to come to Crimea. For now it is easier to get aboard in Moscow and arrive to Simferopol. There aren’t many people who will travel within the whole Ukrainian territory to the administrative border by train and then by car. To reflect the situation in Russian-annexed Crimea is foremost than any political conventionalities. Secondly it is to develop the access mechanism for the foreign representatives to the trials of the Crimean political prisoners», Polozov said.

Moreover the lawyer highlighted that as for announcement there is no difference how the representative arrives to Simferopol – either from Kiev or from Moscow.

«The third step is to develop the access mechanism for the monitoring organizations, because the Russian Federation brings these delegations by itself. Then they tell how there is wonderful in Crimea, they kiss the monuments and so on. Thus for the Russian Federation the informational vacuum around Crimea are the ideal conditions to commit all evil», Polozov claimed.