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Russian authorities do not allow Umerov to pay his fine even if it was awarded by them

30 грудня 2016, 15:49

The Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Ilmi Umerov could not pay in the Crimean bank his fine which awarded by the «occupants court».

On his Facebook Umerov said that the awarded couldn’t be paid neither by lawyer with his assistant nor by his daughter. There didn’t help even a personal presence at the bank.

«About the presumption of innocence ... on November 9 the so-called Supreme Court confirmed the decision of the Crimean Bakhchisaray district court on recognizing me committing an administrative offense and awarding a penalty fine. I asked my lawyer to pay my fine. He sent an assistant to the bank but the payment failed for some reasons. The lawyer went himself and payment failed again, the bank officer asked to come by myself. The lawyer called me and told about the situation ... I sent my daughter, gave her data on fine and passport (of the occupied territory), but the payment failed again. The daughter asked me to come to the bank by myself», wrote he.

He noted that Bakhchisaray is a small town and in a few minutes the deputy head of the Mejlis came to the bank, but that did not help as well.

«The bank staff after consulting with their head apologized and told me that any banking transaction operations are impossible on my behalf, because Ilmi Umerov is blocked in the program as «an extremist»... Well, I do not use the bank services in the occupied Crimea, but in this situation it is their fine, and I do not know how to pay it. Deadline is until January 9», added he.

The deputy head of the Mejlis said that in May 2016 they had opened a fabricated criminal case against him marked as «extremism», the investigation is still ongoing and documents haven’t been submitted to the court. «I am talking about the presumption of innocence ... However, what I am talking?» he said.

To remind some facts, on May 12 ex-prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya reported that FSS investigators filed against Ilmi Umerov a criminal case under the article on extremism. Later there followed detention, home check and forced placement into a psychiatric hospital for compulsory examination. Despite the poor state of health, in particular recently passed complicated heart surgery and diabetes, Umerov forcibly spent 3 weeks in a psychiatric hospital.

On September 7 Umerov was released from the psychiatric hospital. Now he is at home in Bakhchisaray being under house arrest.