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Semedlyaev: Crimean Tatars can’t be sentenced, so they added to charges another article (VIDEO)

4 лютого 2017, 10:26

The Russian occupants have realized that they can’t adequately accuse the Crimean Tatars, even in those cases that are already «trumped up a case», so they added to charges another article 278 of the Criminal Code «Violent authority capture or violent power deduction». The lawyer Edem Semedlyaev stated about it during a meeting of the public association «Crimean solidarity».

«After Sevastopol guys» case had passed they saw they couldn’t investigate normally even those trumped up cases, they decided to play it safe by adding another 278 article to existing 205.5», the lawyer said.

He also told how things are going on for the imprisoned Crimean Tatars, Ali Asanov and  Mustafa Degermendzhi. According to Semedlyaev, the «court» hearing days political prisoners are deprived of nutrition: in the morning they do not have time for breakfast, and at lunchtime they are already in court.

«At each meeting we intercede to provide prisoners with food or bring them to the predetention centre, but the court refers to the fact being lack of authority. The guys feel well», the lawyer said.

Semedlyaev also informed that he had visited another prisoner and the Crimean lawyer Emil Kurbedinov. «Yesterday I visited him, he feels fine, and he has the combat spirit. I suggest these situations won’t touch or break him. He works there actively, does not lie, does not sleep, but writes and evaluates everything», he said.

As well the lawyer added that lots of the Russian lawyers call and contact us, because «everyone understands that today the Crimean lawyer is imprisoned, tomorrow it will happen in St. Petersburg, and the day after tomorrow it will be in Moscow».