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Collaborationist Edip Gafarov lied to Russian media about releasing political prisoner Mustafa Degermendzhi

28 березня 2017, 17:40

According to the head of the so-called Committee on cross-national affairs of State Council of Crimea Edip Gafarov, the political prisoner Mustafa Degermendzhi being in a prison for almost two years is free.

This collaborationist told that in his interview to the newspaper Kommersant.

«Mustafa Degermendzhi’s parents and lawyers addressed me and asked to bail for him to change the restraint measure to a written undertaking not to leave the place. I know his family well and signed it thus he was released», Edip Gafarov said commenting on the lawyer Mark Feygin’s intend to initiate adoption of resolution on «the inadmissibility of criminal prosecution of Crimean Tatars in Crimea for political reasons» in the US Congress, the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the OSCE.

Edip Gafarov claimed in his interview that the resolution of the US Congress can’t impact Crimea as a part of the Russian Federation. As to him, there were no complaints about the national, religious or political persecutions of the Crimean Tatars in the committee. The law enforcement agencies  and courts will work it out.

To remind some facts, Mustafa Degermendzhi is «tried» to be judged for participation in the rally on February 26, 2014 under the walls of the Supreme Council in Crimea in support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the occupied Crimea.