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Lawyer: Asan Chapukh got a micro stroke in a pretrial detention center

8 грудня 2017, 17:01

Crimean Tatar Asan Chapukh accused of alleged blackmailing got a stroke in the prison.

Lawyer Ayder Azamatov reported it on Facebook.

«Asan Chapukh’s health in the pretrial detention worsened, consequently he got a microstroke», he wrote.

According to the lawyer, when he came to visit his client to the prison, Chapukh was led by his cellmate.

«When I asked him what had happened to him, he told me that yesterday he had a microstroke, and none of the detention center employees provided him medical assistance. He was only told to apply to the medical unit in a writing form», he said.

Azamatov regards such detention center staff’s actions as a crime.

«Tomorrow I'll talk to the head of the pretrial detention center to find out the circumstances of this inaction toward a client and demand for his immediate hospitalization. Incredibly cynical and negligent attitude there observed towards a 65-year-old person who asked for help from people who had to help him, but did not. It should not be left without public attention, and those guilty in such inaction should be punished according to the strictest law», the lawyer said.

Earlier, on December 5, 2017 the so-called Supreme Court of Crimea upheld the decision to arrest 65-year-old Asan Chapukh. Thus he stated to start a hunger strike.