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Crimean court imposed a fine to Rustem Osmanov (VIDEO)

12 грудня 2017, 13:35

The Bakhchisaray District Court in the occupied Crimea set a penalty to Rustem Osmanov on December 11, 2017.

The Crimean Tatar was fined per 10 thousand Russian rubles. He was accused of allegedly participating in an unsanctioned rally, which caused troubles with functioning the life support facilities, transport or social infrastructure”.

Rustem Kyamilev, a lawyer, intends to appeal this decision.

«At the time a car was passing by, while they were standing at the roadside edges and there were occurred a search in Seidamet Mustafayev’s house in April this year. It rode quietly, and pedestrians also moved quietly. However, of course, in the police officers’ reports and testimonies there said that the car allegedly could not pass as well as the pedestrians. We all understand that this is an evidence-free accusation», the lawyer said.

Earlier, in the morning it became known that in Bakhchisaray Russian security forces detained Rustem Osmanov. He was taken directly from his house. According to his mother, they didn’t show any papers to a family and where Osmanov would be taken as well.