Political prisoner’s father: Pavel Grib might suffer from the internal bleeding in pretrial detention center
Political prisoner Pavel Grib’s health is deteriorating in the pretrial detention center in Krasnodar.

The Ukrainian political prisoner Pavel Grib’s father, Igor Grib stated about a deterioration of his son’s health in Russia and told that he failed delivering the necessary products in the pre-trial detention center to son.
«These products are forbidden to transfer. Grib is on a diet.» Such an answer man heard today while trying to send a food parcel to Pavel. The pre-trial detention center administration forbade almost everything to pass on to his son,» Igor Grib wrote on Facebook.
According to the political prisoner’s father, his son may face internal bleeding because of general health deterioration and lack of adequate nutrition.
«In case of internal bleeding, no medical institution in Krasnodar is simply unable to provide him with the necessary assistance. Paul will slowly bleed out. The Russian repressive machine kills the Ukrainian citizens,» Igor Grib said.
As you know, Russia refuses to allow Ukrainian doctors to see Pavel Grib. As to the relatives, Pavel has a portal hypertension, a syndrome of high blood pressure in the portal vein system. Portal hypertension is accompanied by varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy.
As the website «15 minutes» reported, the Russian court rejected an appeal against the prolongation of the Ukrainian political prisoner Pavel Grib’s arrest in March, 2018. His detention term in the custody of Krasnodar Regional Court extended until May 4, 2018.
Pavel Grib’s disappearance became known late August, 2017. His relatives said that he went to Belarus to meet with a girlfriend, but later on disappeared without a trace. Belarus officially confirmed Grib’s entry to the country on August 24, 2017.
On September 7, 2017 his father Igor Grib, referring to information received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, said that his son was held in prison in Krasnodar. The Head Department of Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vasiliy Kirilich told that Grib jhad been detained on August 25, 2017.
On September 12, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine reported that the European Court of Human Rights had taken cognizance of the case referring to the Ukrainian Pavel Grib’s abduction by Russian special services in Belarus. Russia accuses a 19-year-old son of a former Ukrainian border guard in «inducing, recruiting or otherwise involving in committing the terrorist activities».