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Umerova: After the final ban of the Mejlis we expect another wave of repressions against the Crimean Tatars (VIDEO)

23 вересня 2016, 10:13

On Thursday, September, 22, the deputy chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Ilmi Umerov’s daughter, Ayshe Umerova appealed to the Ukrainian deputies and the international organizations at a briefing in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to support the question of the occupied Crimea on the agenda.

«For now it’s an important question because the whole nation is stood hostage in Crimea and after September, 29, after coming into force the ban of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and its recognition as the terrorist organization, we expect another wave of repressions against the Crimean Tatars», Umerova announced.

Daughter of the deputy chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people stated that her father’s health had become worse after the forced psychiatric detainment but the occupation authorities even didn’t consider the defense petition for passage of his treatment at the continental Ukraine.

«His health had become worse during this period afterwards we appealed to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and received an invitation to the treatment. We filed a motion but it was rejected even without court’s consideration; that means pretrial. Such failures we got to all our motions and complaints».

Ayshe Umerova stressed out that the Russian authority tries to strangle Ilmi Umerov’s defense:

«Recently there is increased pressure on our lawyers. They wanted to ban exit from Russia, Nikolay Polozov is threatened with so-called case for alleged abuse of law enforcement forces.
Emil Kurbedinov is endured numerous cautions».

According to Ayshe Umerova those actions are aimed to stop defending the Crimean Tatars’ rights:

«It’s all done to threaten our lawyers to reduce their activity in the case of the Crimean Tatars».

As a newsblog «15 minutes» informed at May, 12, the occupation prosecutor of Crimea, Nataliya Poklonskaya stated that FSS investigators opened a criminal case against Ilmi Umerov ander the article of extremism. «He is suspected in committing the public calls aimed to break the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation», Poklonskaya pointed out.

The detention, house-checks, searches and criminal case, a forced psychiatric detainment and medical examination of the well-known member of the national liberation movement of the Crimean Tatars, the deputy chairman of the Mejlis, Ilmi Umerov caused a strong public and international resonance.

It’s especially obscene to place Ilmi Umerov illegally and involuntary into a psychiatric hospital. The «court’s» decision on a forced detainment was read out in the absence of Ilmi Umerov. He got sick immediately in a courtroom, and EFR (Emergency First Response) hospitalized him detecting the preinfarction angina. After this «decision» the appeal was filed in but the FSS investigators didn’t wait its reviewing. Despite the poor health including his tolerated heavy heart surgery and diabetes, Ilmi Umerov forcibly held for three weeks in a psychiatric hospital. Umerov was released from a psychiatric hospital at September 7. He is now under an order not to leave the country.

At September 3 there held a rally in support of Ilmi Umerov in many countries around the world. Their participants demanded to release him immediately and to cancel the criminal prosecution.