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Polish nationalists held rallies against Ukraine for money of the Russian Federation − Wyborcza

11 березня 2017, 11:11

The Belarusian Alexander Usovskiy received from Russia 100 thousand euro to sponsor the anti-Ukrainian groups in Poland. This is the first concrete amount became known due to the Ukrainian hacker groups Cyber Hunta and Cyber Alliance.

The Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza reports about it.

It is noticed that hackers hacked Usovskiy's email account and stole his personal correspondence with the Russian officials and the Polish nationalists’ leaders.

«The data stolen by the Ukrainian hackers was the first concrete proof that Russia conducts anti-Ukrainian operations in Poland, and the right-wing radicals like in Western Europe have become its allies», the newspaper said.

Alexander Usovskiy especially maintained correspondence with the Russian deputy and director of the Institute of CIS states Konstantin Zatulin. Usovskiy assured him that he could not only spread the pro-Russian propaganda, but also effectively «drive a wedge between Poland and Ukraine». Zatulin himself confirmed to Gazeta Wyborcza that he had been in contact with the Belarusian, though assured that he had not given money. The media source notes that the Russian official might tell the truth. Thus from the stolen letters it is followed that Usovskiy has been paid since 2014 by people from the environment of the Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev who was previously accused of financing insurgencies in Crimea in spring 2014 as well as rebels in the Eastern Ukraine.

The publication writes that Malofeev’s people paid Usovskiy 100 thousand euro. Most of this amount went to pay for radicals’ rallies in Central Europe.

So Alexander Usovskiy organized several rallies in Poland which held 100 people. Usovskiy always sent reports to the Russian Federation about his expenses.

One of these documents clarifies that on August 23, 2014 he managed to organize the rally in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Warsaw. 70 people took part in it using the slogan «Stop the Ukrainian aggression in Donbass». The application for its holding was submitted by the party «Samooborona» which was part of the ruling coalition together with «Pravo i Spravedlivost» (Right and Justice) in 2006-2007.

On September 6, 2014 in Warsaw, in Rzeszów and Lublin, Usovskiy financed a rally under the slogan «Stop the War in Ukraine! Stop Bandera’s crimes!». The nationalist organization «Camp of Great Poland» and «World congress of Kress» took part there. The rallies took place under the embassy of Ukraine and near the Seim’s building.

Usovskiy also achieved publication of articles in the press about his organized rallies and published several videos on YouTube. He also acted in Hungary and Slovakia.

The press source reports that Usovsky successfully collaborated with Mateusz Piskorsky who founded the pro-Russian party «Change». They discussed further the anti-Ukrainian actions and Moscow reaction on it.

The stolen letters also proves that 63-year-old Wojciech Voitulevich collaborating with «Samooborona» (Self-Defense), «Camp of Great Poland» and «Change» received money from Usovskiy.

Two years ago Voitulevich was detained by the Ukrainian law enforcers when he was traveling to Guta-Penyatskaya village where he was going to arrange the anti-Ukrainian rally. Last summer he picketed the Ukrainian embassy in Warsaw with the flag of «Novorossia».

Earlier the Polish ambassador to Ukraine Jan Peklo stated that the Russian Federation was doing everything to embroil Warsaw and Kiev.