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Russian security forces arrested activist’s car from «Krymskaya solidarnost» (VIDEO)

21 листопада 2017, 10:15

Russian siloviki (security forces) detained an activist from NGO «Krymskaya solidarnost» («Crimean Solidarity») Ruslan Alimdar Belyalov on Sunday on November 19, 2017.

The activist stated about it on Facebook.

«I am detained in Simferopol! The ground for arrest is that my CAR by some miracle has been duplicated!!! They want to take me to the police, but I refused! Lawyer Liliya Gemidzhi will join me!», wrote Belyalov.

Later on a video message appeared in social network where the activist told about the facts of pressure on him by the law enforcement bodies on November 19. It turned out that the silovikis arrested his car, though on Sunday evening a man was able to return home.

«They inclined me to the fact that a car had been stolen. They wanted me to go to the district police office and to explain everything. I refused at once and told them I would not go anywhere until the lawyer comes. After speaking with lawyers, they stopped calling me to the police office», Belyalov said.

The activist connects his detention with his activities within NGO «Krymskaya solidarnost» («Crimean Solidarity») framework. According to his colleagues from NGO, Ruslan Belyalov on the peninsula is known for taking an active public position, constantly supporting the Crimean Tatars during searches, on ships and making live video reports.
