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1st Ukrainian citizen kidnapped 3 years ago in Crimea Reshat Ametov died during the Russian aggression (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

4 березня 2017, 12:26

On Friday, March 3, it will be exactly 3 years since the Crimean Tatar Reshat Ametov had been kidnapped freely in the occupied Simferopol. He was tortured and killed for his pro-Ukrainian position.

To remind some facts, Reshat Ametov went to the military registration and enlistment office and demanded to give him a weapon to defend his homeland. Having been refused, the man took part in a peaceful protest at Lenin Square in Simferopol. Later on there appeared some photos at the social networks where a few men in military uniform, members of the so-called Crimean self-defense, took Crimean Tatar man away from the square. They put him into a car and drove away in an unknown direction. Afterwards, no one and nothing was known about Ametov’s fate within two week. On March 15, 2014 his body was found in Zemlyanichnoe village, Belogorsk district. There were numerous signs of tortures, his head was bound up with tape and next to his body the handcuffs laid.

According to the vice-president of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars Lenur Islyamov, «Russians took out his spine, genitals were cut off and his eyes were poked out». On March 18, 2014, Reshat Ametov was buried at the local cemetery in Simferopol.

On January 24, 2017, Reshat Ametov could celebrate his 42 birthday. His wife Zarina and three young children have been living for 3 years without a husband and a father. Ametov’s killers are free till nowadays. All this time Crimeans who remained faithful to Ukraine, the Ukrainian community and journalists do their best to reward this courageous man with the title of the Ukrainian Hero. The authorities are ignoring this request today. By the way, Ametov’s act was mentioned in a speech of Poroshenko on September 18, 2014 at a meeting in the US Congress. That moment the Ukrainian leader described himself as the Crimean Tatar. Moreover, the phrase «I am Crimean Tatar» Poroshenko repeated on September 18, 2016.

On February 26, 2017, at the Day of resistance to the occupation of Crimea, Lenur Islyamov repeated community’s demands to the President of Ukraine:

«Reward Reshat Ametov with the Hero of Ukraine! He is indifferent to that, but we are not! We, all citizens of Ukraine, are not indifferent!»
