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«Krym SOS» presented documentary film dedicated to anniversary of Ervin Ibragimov’s kidnapping (VIDEO)

26 травня 2017, 13:58

The public organization «Krym Sos» presented a 10-minute documentary film «A Year Without Ervin» dedicated to the anniversary of Ervin Ibragimov’s kidnapping.

This movie was shown on Wednesday, 24 May in Kiev during a rally in support of Ervin Ibragimov’s kidnapping.

As website «15 minutes» informed earlier, on Wednesday 24 May there was held a prayer service in the World Congress of Crimean Tatars executive board member Ervin Ibragimov’s house.

To remind some facts, the World Congress of Crimean Tatars executive board member, ex-deputy of the Bakhchisaray City Council, a member of the regional Mejlis of Crimean Tatars, Ervin Ibragimov, 31 year old, was abducted near his own house in Bakhchisaray on 24 May, 2016. A videotape from surveillance camera recorded that he was abducted by people in uniform as the road police officers. The occupation authorities deny their presence there saying:

«They were not there because they should not have been».
