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Police summoned Rinat Paralamov’s relatives

5 лютого 2018, 10:24

In Crimea the administrative case on «propaganda of extremism or banned symbols» was started against the Crimean Tatar Rinat Paralamov, kidnapped in September 2017 and survived after the FSS tortures.

It became known during Dilyara Bodurova’s, Paralamov’s mother-in-law, and his brother’s visit to Nizhnegorsk district department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on February 2, 2018.

«We asked for summons. We refused to give testimony. They want to know Rinat’s location. It's just a trick. A policeman told us that he (Rinat) would be rode. This case won’t be simply forgotten», commented Enver Alimov, who accompanied Paralamov’s relatives.

Soon after the Russian special services’ abduction and torture, Rinat Paralamov left Crimea for Kiev.

In the morning, on September 13, 2017 the Russian security officers searched Paralamov’s house in Nizhnegorskoe village. Traditionally, they began a search early in the morning, around 5.40 a.m. During the search, relatives were not allowed to enter the house. According to activists, Paralamov’s family is keeping Muslim faith people. Rinat has four children.

After the house check, the security officers took Paralamov away to an unknown direction. His relatives on the same day filed an application on abduction to their local police department.

The search for Paralamov lasted 24 hours. The activists and lawyers joined them as well. After Paralamov got in touch and the lawyers could see him, it turned out that the FSS officers cruelly abused him after his abduction.